The Scarlet Letter: A Classic Tale of Sin and Redemption

Redaksi PetiknetTuesday, 1 August 2023 | 21:32 WIB

He suffers from a mysterious illness that seems to be caused by his inner torment. Chillingworth suspects his involvement and tries to expose him. Meanwhile, Hester tries to live a life of and dignity, despite being ostracized by the community.

She also tries to protect , who is a wild and rebellious child, from the hostility and prejudice of the Puritans. She hopes that one day she and Dimmesdale can escape together and start a new life elsewhere.

Plot Summary

The plot of the novel follows the development of the main characters and their relationships over several years. Hester becomes more independent and charitable, earning some respect from the people for her skills as a seamstress and her acts of kindness.

She also becomes more attached to , who is her only companion and joy. Pearl grows up to be a beautiful but impish girl, who often challenges the authority and morality of the Puritans.

She is fascinated by on her mother's chest and often asks about its meaning and origin. She also senses a connection between her mother and Dimmesdale, whom she likes but also provokes.

Dimmesdale becomes more popular and revered as a minister, but also more frail and anguished as a sinner. He struggles with his conscience and his desire to confess his publicly.

He is haunted by Chillingworth, who pretends to be his friend but secretly torments him as his enemy. Chillingworth becomes more obsessed and evil as he pursues his revenge. He discovers a mark on Dimmesdale's chest that confirms his suspicion.

The climax of the novel occurs during the Election Day, when Dimmesdale delivers his final sermon to a large crowd of spectators. He then mounts the scaffold with Hester and Pearl and reveals his scarlet letter to everyone.

He asks for God's forgiveness and dies in Hester's arms. Chillingworth loses his purpose and dies soon after. Hester and Pearl leave for an unknown destination.

The novel ends with an epilogue that tells what happened to some of the characters after the main events. Hester returns to after several years and resumes wearing .